Saturday, June 26, 2010

Last post

It has been a long time since I last posted and I think this will be my last one for a while. I started this blog not intended to use it as a forum to update family and friends on random things happening around us, but mainly as a way to remind myself to look beyond Jake's disabilities and celebrate his improvements as little as they maybe. I felt at times I was easily discouraged by his lack of progress, that if I put an effort in documenting his accomplishments, it would help me to focus on the positives and stay motivated in helping Jake to reach his full potential.

I think in the past 4 years, this blog has done that for me, and as Jake has grown, so have I in this unexpected journey that we are on. Jake had a birthday this month, and he turned 8 years old. Jake is still Jake, non ambulatory and non verbal, but when I look at him now, I no longer panic and I no longer fear the unknown. I am at peace with what it is. I still have moments when I look at him, I think to myself what a handsome young man he is becoming, and I wonder how much more handsome he could be if he is a "regular" 8 year old. But that moment soon pasts me and I think to myself I am grateful to all that Jake has taught me. I am a better person, a better mother because of him.

On the last note, Jake is doing well. Last Friday he walked by himself from the back of the classroom to the front, which was not surprising to us but it was the first time his teacher/classroom assistants have seen him do that. So hopefully going forward, they will give him more opportunity to practice independent walking in school. On the communication front, we recently purchased an IPod with an augmentative communication software called Proloquo2Go. I have yet to program it so that it can be more functionally used by Jake. I think in the near future, with the advancement of technology, we will find new and better ways for Jake to communicate. All the communication work we are doing now with him will pay off in the long run. I firmly believe that.

Little Max is not little anymore, he is ten months old and weights 26 lbs. No, that is not a typo, he really weights 26 lbs, probably more since that weight in was a few weeks ago. He is so active that the only time he doesn't move is when he is sleeping. I am at the very beginning stage of planning a 1st birthday party for him. I think it will be alot of fun. My baby is going to be ONE!

Thank you for reading and keeping up with us for all these years; if there is anything I can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The word "retard"--

I hope this is Max in 15 years.

A brother's touching speech honoring his mentally challenged sister.