Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jake turns 7

So Jake had another birthday on 6/10, he is now officially 7 years old. Wow, I can’t believe he is 7 already. This year we didn’t have a birthday party for Jake, I am too tired. It is really sad that Jake doesn’t even care or know the concept of wanting to have a birthday party like any other 7 year old would, although he does enjoy hearing everyone sing the happy birthday song. Anyways, I don’t really want to dwell on the sad points of having a child with significant developmental disabilities. Yeah, that is what 7 years will do to you: you learn to roll back tears and keep on keeping on!

We did have a small birthday party at his school on Jake’s birthday. Two “major improvements” to speak of were one: Jake willingly wore his birthday crown during his party, which was something he was never able to tolerate before, and two: he was actually interested in opening his birthday gift, although technically, he was more interested in taking off the stickers that were on the wrapper. As usual, he enjoyed the cake, his favorite part I am sure. Here are some pictures of Jake in school on his birthday.

For Jake’s birthday, we decided to buy him an adapted tricycle. For two years now, we have wanted to get him a Freedom Concept Tricycle, but it is just so expensive. A new one costs anywhere between $3K - $4K, even a used one still costs approx. $2600. Finally, a friend of mine emailed me a link for another tricycle that has the features Jake needs. It is called the Micah and finally I ordered it today. The bike will be shipped to our neighborhood bike shop for assembly, because from what I understand, it needs certain level of expertise in bike assembly to put this thing together, and I have negative expertise, and my husband is not that much better I am afraid to say. The good thing is the bike place where I am buying the tricycle from will reimburse us the assembly fee so we thought that is really the best way to ensure Jake gets a properly assembled tricycle in the least amount of time frame. When the tricycle is ready and the weather is nice on the weekends, my husband will take Jake out to ride it, it will be a nice form of exercise for him, I mean FUN..... you know therapy is never far from my mind.