OK, the real reason that inspired me to write today's blog is that I know another mom whose daughter is a special needs child. She reminds me so much of myself when Jake was younger. She is consumed with getting as many different kinds of help as she can for her child, so was I; she is desperate in seeing some improvement in her child’s development, so was I; she is searching for a miracle that will end this nightmare once for all, so was I; she has so much fear that her child will not talk and walk like every other child on the street, so had I, and she is in so much pain for not being able to change the destiny of her child, so was I; she asks God, why my child, why me, why us? So did I.
Monday, April 23, 2007
She reminds so much of me
Here is a picture of us at the East Side Gallery, where different artists painted a section of the Berlin Wall.