My husband will start a new job soon, he is super excited, he loves the company culture, philosophies, as well as the challenges the new responsibilities will bring. His current company is downsizing due to corporate merger, but I was never really too worried even when over 50% of his colleagues were laid off, because I believe as one door closes, another door always opens. Jake has taught me to adapt myself in life situations, and not be so fixated on making plans. I mean after all, the life we have now is not at all part of the plan we had after learning that we were about to become parents. Almost 4 years ago, my husband was equally excited when he received the acceptance letter from one of the top MBA schools in the United States. But the letter came in the mail within the same week that we received confirmation from the pediatric neurologist that Jake had brain abnormalities. That week, all of our dreams and hopes for the future were completely crushed and we were scared and lost. But we knew there was no other choice to make but to do everything we can to help Jake. So we decided that I would quit my job to take care of Jake full time, and that my husband will not attend the MBA program and continue to work full time to support all of us, because more than ever, we needed the money and the medical coverage for Jake’s medical treatments and therapies.
Looking back, I don’t regret for a moment the decisions that we made that week to give up our own plans so that Jake can have a chance of a brighter future. I would do that for the rest of my life for Jake because I am his mother. But I am very happy that my husband has a second opportunity to pursue his dreams and look, I will reap the benefit as well, I am getting a new car very soon…hopefully! :-)