OK, this might be too premature to brag, but I want to write down what Jake is starting to do. With prompting, Jake is able to place Mayer Johnson symbols in sequence to form sentences. His teacher Ms. Roberta gave me the idea as an activity to do at home, so I immediately thought of the little wonderful book Susan (Jake’s speech therapist from Apple Pre-school ) made for him. Each page of the book has a short sentence with 3-4 Mayer Johnson Symbols, an example of a page would be "I play computer with dad".
Then I give Jake a set of matching symbols but out of sequence, he is able to find the matching symbols to form the same sentence. He does still needs to be reminded from time to time that he must find the symbols in the exact sequence. He is so proud of himself after he finishes the sentence and asks to do more.
Here is the same sentence that Jake did:
If you had asked me a year ago, or even 6 months ago if Jake will be able to write a sentence, my answer would have surely been probably not. But today, I think he might.