We are currently planning a trip to St. Louis Children's Hospital in early August. We have an appointment with an ophthalmologist there who specializes in the diagnose and treatment of vision issues with children with special needs. Just so happens, the 4th Annual Cerebral Palsy Conference will be held the weekend before the appointment, so we plan to attend the conference as well. Hopefully, between the conference and the appointment, we will gain additional insights on how to help Jake further along in his development. I am not really looking forward to the flight though, I am not a big fan of flying to begin with, and adding Jake to the equation I feel even more stressed out. Things like how to take him to the bathroom; how to change him in case he wets his clothes, etc. worry me, but I am sure when there is a will, there is a way. Today was Jake’s last day of school at Apply Pre-School, while reality hasn’t fully hit me yet as he still has 6 weeks of summer program left at the school, I know by early August, I am going to feel so sad that I will not step foot into that building anymore, which is something I have done almost daily for the past three years. For the rest of my life, I will think of Apple Pre-School, its teachers, therapists, administrative staffs, classroom aids, nurses, volunteers, even the security guard with fond memories, and much gratitude.
One more thing, Jake is making improvement in his walking. On a good day, he can walk one city block with me holding just his one hand only. I am just thinking if he can master walking while holding one hand by this winter, it will be very exciting. Two winters ago, I said to myself, this is it, this is the last winter I am able to carry Jake around cuz he is getting really heavy. Then last winter came around, I was still carrying him, at times I couldn’t even see where I was going with him wearing a huge winter coat. Again, I thought to myself this is it, this is the last winter I am able to carry him like this. So, I am still hoping that finally, this winter Jake can walk more so I don’t have to carry him as much.