Here is a picture of Jake doing Yoga with his OT. He looks so cute doing it. His OT started doing simply yoga poses with him about 2 months ago. In the beginning, he couldn’t imitate any movement; she had to do hand over hand with him 100% of the time. I was open minded to her idea of trying Yoga but in my mind, I really questioned whether or not Jake can follow any of her directions. Surprisingly, Jake enjoys Yoga, well only for about 10 minutes. He is actually doing some simple movements on his own, and some with less hand over hand assistance, and of course some he still needs maximum assistance to accomplish. Nonetheless, his OT and I are happy with Jake’s improvements in following directions and imitating movements. Here is another pose called “snake”.
I made some pictures and symbols for Jake, the idea is to place pictures in a sequence such as “mom” “drive” “Jake” “school” on the back of the passenger side headrest where Jake can see while I drive him to school each morning. I can interchange the driver and the destination depending on the situation, for example, I can display “Mom and Dad” “drive” “Jake” “grandma” when we go to my mom’s for dinner on the weekends. I am just trying different ways to communicate with Jake better. I feel strongly language and communication is the area where he needs the most help.