Jake is out with my husband, I think it is the second time they went out without me. I am enjoying the time by myself. (Left, Jake is practicing walking with Kevin-PT). I am a little bit disappointed at Jake’s summer program at his school. His teacher from last year who was absolutely wonderful decided to take the summer off; his regular class room aid who had a special bond with Jake is working at a different class during the summer, so now Jake has a new aid. Everything just seems a bit disorganized at this point. Plus, since he will be going to a new school starting September, I feel like it is kind of pointless to get him all situated with summer staff.
I am going to visit the new school next week, but from what I have heard, I am expecting great things. I was told that there will be regular interactions with typical kindergartners; there will be kids who are cognitively higher. I have also heard great things about the teacher. It was my request to Jake’s current school that they re-evaluate his placement, and I am glad that they made the change as quickly as they did.
With the change of school, I am anticipating that I will have to re-adjust my work schedule in order to accommodate the change in transportation needs. At this point, I am not sure how my employer will react, but I am going to have to do what I have to do.
Last week we also looked at new augmentative communication software called Picture wordPerfect. Jake’s speech therapist who is very experienced with ACC recommended and feels strongly that this software is long term solution for Jake. I am going to go with her recommendation after all, she was the one who helped us to set up Jake’s current communication platform on his Mini-Merc, and Jake has proved that he can communicate given the right tools.