So of course the repair of the Convaid stroller is a hassle. I mean why should anything be easy. It is currently being returned to Convaid which is located in CA through one of its local dealers, who is charging me $90 to ship it there. Upon arriving, Convaid’s inspection people will determine whether or not the damage is under warranty, if it is, happy ending – they will fix it and return the stroller to me free of charge; if it is not – they will quote the dealer who then in return will quote me with a huge mark up I am sure, at which point I have to decide whether or not I will authorize the repair.
We are getting ready for our annual pilgrimage to Michigan for Jake’s three weeks intensive physical therapy. I haven’t mention it because I don’t want to jinx it before we leave. Hopefully Jake will make great progress this time. Hey maybe he will be able to walk so well that he won’t need the Convaid stroller anymore…yeah…I can always hope and dream right?!
Max’s head control is better, but still not 100% steady. He is going to be 3 month old on Nov. 6th, at which time we will be in Michigan of course. This is going to be his first road trip, I hope he takes the opportunity and get lots of beauty sleep during the trip.