Wow, has it been that long since I last updated?
Jake is home this week for winter break, he was also home last week because he had PERCS done for the second time. PERCS is also known as PERCUTANEOUS MYOFASCIAL LENGTHENINGS. In my laymen’s understanding, it is a less invasive form of hamstring lengthening. Jake had it done the first time when he was 3 and the result was very good. But as he got taller, his hamstrings became very tight again. Upon consulting with a ped. Ortho., it was decided that it is in his best interest to have the procedure repeated. It has been a week since the procedure, the back of his right knee is still bruised and swollen, but they should all go away in another few days.
Max is six and half months old, and is ALL over the place. He especially like to get himself under furniture, such as the bed, stools, bouncers, dressers, and nightstands. One time my husband had to go under the bed just to pull little Max out from under it. But I am not going to lie, no matter what he does, I am so thrilled that he is doing them on his own, without any therapeutic intervention! He is very close to sitting on his own, and is often trying to get into a crawling position. He rolls and pivots his body very quickly and it is very entertaining when he talks loudly to us as if we understand what he is talking about, but we don’t; we have no clue what he is cooing about.
I started working full time after President’s day. Today was day three at work, and OMG, total information overload. I don’t think my brain can take in and digest any more data, but unfortunately, there is so much more to learn and remember. Is this a sign of aging? I was planning on working with Jake on his communication device after I come home from work, but so far this week I haven’t done that. I feel a little guilty for not trying as hard as I should but seriously, my brain needs to relax.