Jake went back to school as of last week, and is pretty much back into the routine. He started physical therapy again and is doing well. We think the procedure is helping him to walk better, but he is still a long way from funcational walking. There is a plan to take him back to Michigan for another round of 3 weeks intensive therapy in mid April, but anything can happen between now and then, so I don't want to say too much to jinx it.
Max is doing well, he is sitting up briefly but still needs supervision while he is sitting, and often falls over when he tries to reach for something. He is trying to get on all fours, and I often walk in the room and find him rocking back and forth with his little behind sticking up in the air. It is the cutest thing. My husband just asked me last night when did Jake start to crawl, without hesitation I answered "when he was 2". I still remember that moment when he started to crawl, that was a HUGE milestone that he reached after so much hard work. Here is Max approaching the milestone effortlessly. I feel happy to see Max growing and developing, but at the same time it is so bitter sweet for Jake.
Wow, watching TV sitting up is so much better.
Max is getting ready to make the move.
Who is the babysitter? I am not sure.