Well, let’s see, I haven’t updated much lately, probably it is because there hasn’t been much going on. Jake has been doing so so, nothing too exciting to report. He is finally recognizing numbers 1-10 with fair to good consistency, however, the concept of one to one association with real objects he does not yet grasp. The same thing with the alphabet, he knows the alphabet pretty well, but he doesn’t recognize any words. He also is recognizing all the basic shapes. But how does this knowledge translate into real like skills I haven’t figured it out. But no matter, whatever knowledge he is able to retain is better than not having the knowledge. This is my position and I am sticking to it. He also has finally mastered turning his walker, which makes it much more functional because otherwise, he can only go in a straight line. I sometimes ask him to walk with the walker at home just so he can learn to turn in tighter corners. God help the floor and the walls, they will probably get damaged during the process.