Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Jake's annual IEP meeting was today
The school officials claim this is not a budget cut related decision, but the truth of the matter is that it is. Given the current state of economy, I am sure the Board of Eduction is giving guild lines to schools in terms the amount the therapies they are authorized to recommend.
Nonetheless, we are very appreciative to everyone who attended the meeting, which included a person who is in charge of therapies and related services for the school, the unit coordinator of the school, as well as all of Jake's school therapists, his teacher, my husband and I. The meeting lasted about 2 1/2 hours, and we discussed all of Jake's IEP goals, PT, SP, OT, and classroom. In the end, we agreed with the goals, and we agreed to disagree about removing his related services outside of school.
The school's position is Jake's new goals can be met with only getting services in school, our position is we wouldn't be talking about these goals as they are today had he not receive related services outside of school in the past year. This is particularly true with his SP. One of the speech therapists Jake sees outside of school is an expert in using augumentative communication device, she has guild me to build a communication platform using Jake's mini-merc that has completely opened Jake's world of communication. Without her services in the past year, we are still scratching our heads and asking ourselves what is the best way for Jake's to communicate. To say that Jake's IEP goals can be met by only seeing therapists inside of school is like stepping on the 3rd steps and not recognizing someone helped him to come up from step one and step 2. Furthermore, if Jake can continue to receive services both in and outside of school, he can go from step 3 to may be step 5, without related services outside of school, he will remain on step 3, or worst he will go back down to step 1.
I feel very passionate on this subject, to the extent that my husband advised that I let him do some of the talking, fearing that I would get too emotional at the meeting. I wasn't emotional, my decision to fight for Jake's service is not emotionally based, it is factual based. The fact is Jake needs the therapies, the fact is he has proven that he can improve given the amount of therapies he was receiving, the fact is I am willing to do whatever it takes to take him to therapy everyday, rain or shine, the fact is I am willing to keep open relationships with each of his therapists, and follow their suggestions, and carry over their suggested activities.
Anyways, so now we have to go for a resolution meeting, I think that is what's called, if at the end of that meeting, we still agree to disagree, we have to go for an impartial hearing. Whatever it takes that is what we will do.
Monday, November 03, 2008
Crazy doctor, or crazy me
It has been a while since I last updated. Jake and I went to Michigan again for what was suppose to be 3 weeks of intensive suit therapy. He was doing very well and managed to stand independently for 200 seconds, and took about 35 independent steps. Unfortunately, during the middle of the second week, his right leg/ankle/foot was injured and he wasn’t able to bear weight on the right side, therefore, I had to cut the therapy session short. Since Jake is non-verbal, he can not tell us exactly where is hurting him, or how it is hurting him. His knee/ankle/foot does not appear to be visibly swollen, and he is able to do crawling and do many transitional activities as long as he doesn’t weight bear. When he is in an upright position, basically he tries to stand on the left leg along, or just hop.
So given all the facts above, do you think it is wrong, or unnecessary for me to seek out opinion from a pediatric orthopedic doctor, to try to find out what caused the injury, how can we prevent it from happening again? Well, apparently it is so to the doctor whom we went to see today. After I explained to him Jake was hurt in therapy, he is not able to stand on his right foot right now, the doctors asked me “so what do you want me to do about that?” He goes on to say “You have to take the good and the bad when it comes to someone like Jake, he needs therapy, he will get hurt…”, “unless the diagnose will change the course of my treatment, I don’t see any reason to do any sort of testing, because all I am going to suggest is that you let him rest until he feels ready to walk again..” I tried to explain “well, the therapists would like to know the cause of the injury so they can try to prevent it from happening…”, he said “ they can’t prevent it, the only way to prevent injury is if you don’t do any therapy, and treat him like a China Doll, which I don’t think it is a good idea…” Furthermore, his tone of voice was very condescending like I was bothering him for being there. For god’s sake, he does get paid for this visit.
I am just like lost for words, this is the advise I get for driving to the city, pay $24 for 1 ½ hour of parking? I mean OK, I understand there is risk associated with therapy, but am I crazy to want to find out where is injury is for a child who can not speak? Am I?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Picture Word - new software
A few weeks ago, one of Jake's speech therapist introduced a software called Picture Word. Jake's ability to learn the new software has really exceeded my expectations. Granted he is only using a small number of symbols he knows, but already he knows how to navigate through different pages, open and close them appropriately. For example, if he is on any of the song pages, he can get himself out of that page, go all the way back to the main page, find social page and hit the "goodbye" symbol when his therapist gets ready to leave. Or if I ask "Jake, do you want to eat dinner?" He can use Picture Word, and say " I" "want" "eat", then go to the word group page, finds "food & drink", and then with some help, find the symbol for "dinner".
I am very grateful to the Jake’s speech therapist to help us to get the device through Medicaid, I am extremely grateful to another speech therapist who helped me to set up the pages in mini merc. When she first told me let’s set up pages with min. 20 symbols on each page, I thought she was crazy. I thought for one, no way Jake can scan 20 symbols at once and find the one he wants; for two, no way Jake can independently navigate from page to page. He proved me wrong. The Picture Word software he is using now has at least 100 symbols on the main page, and he can find the symbols he wants to find.
I can go on and on about Jake’s device, I am so thankful to technology, I am thankful to Medicaid who paid for it.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
good bye summer
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Nothing new to report
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Jake's favorites...
#2 favorite thing to do in the whole white world:
Decidedly, positively, affirmatively, unambiguously, clearly is still:
#3 favorite thing to do in the whole white world:
Surprisingly, funnily, adorably, humorously is
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Jake started going to his new school
OK, back to Jake’s new school. The children in his class are mostly a few years older than Jake. I like the fact that most of them are eager to participate in classroom activities, which serve as positive role models for Jake; and from the short time that I observed the class, they seem to be very gentle to each other, which is very comforting to me, especially since Jake has almost no ability to protect himself.
That is it for now…
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
interesting day
Today was an interesting day.
Ok, that was our day...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Summer update
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Jake had a great party
We want to thank all of our friends who came to celebrate Jake’s birthday with us; we thank you for your gifts and we thank you for your love.
Friday, June 06, 2008
will be getting the disabled parking permit
Today Jake had an appointment to reassess his eligibility for the disabled NYC parking permit. Question: What would I give if in exchange he can be “abled” enough that he becomes ineligible for any services that are disabling related? Answer: I would give my everything.
Slowly the waiting room started to pile up after we arrived and I looked around, there were men and women of all colors and sizes, however, Jake was the only child there. It was a sad moment for me I am not going to deny it, but somehow I got myself together and didn’t dwell on my sadness too much. It did help that everyone there were very nice, I didn’t even feel an ounce of pity from anyone’s eyes when they looked at Jake. Perhaps, they felt that he was one of them. I mean after all, we were all there trying to renew the parking permit.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
No news is good news
Well, let’s see, I haven’t updated much lately, probably it is because there hasn’t been much going on. Jake has been doing so so, nothing too exciting to report. He is finally recognizing numbers 1-10 with fair to good consistency, however, the concept of one to one association with real objects he does not yet grasp. The same thing with the alphabet, he knows the alphabet pretty well, but he doesn’t recognize any words. He also is recognizing all the basic shapes. But how does this knowledge translate into real like skills I haven’t figured it out. But no matter, whatever knowledge he is able to retain is better than not having the knowledge. This is my position and I am sticking to it. He also has finally mastered turning his walker, which makes it much more functional because otherwise, he can only go in a straight line. I sometimes ask him to walk with the walker at home just so he can learn to turn in tighter corners. God help the floor and the walls, they will probably get damaged during the process.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
Friday, May 02, 2008
Back to Normal
Jake is back in school, we pick him up every day at
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The crying, the screaming, the drama
We just returned from
Jake has finally quieted down after over an hour of screaming and crying tonight, I am FREE at last, well until tomorrow morning!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Jake is sick again
This is a short update. We are super stressed right now. Jake is sick again and we are 5 days away from going to Michigan for three weeks intensive suit therapy. His pediatrician thinks he might have the flu plus Bronchitis.
I already asked for 3 weeks off, and my husband already bought two round trip tickets. All those are not important but the fact that if Jake is not well enough to benefit from the therapy will be a major disappointment for us.
Monday, March 10, 2008
talk about nothing
Here is a picture of Jake reading while "sun bathing" at the front door.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Sleeping alone
The other major milestone we achieved since Jake got his new bed is that Jake now sleeps by himself in his own room. I think that was probably my major milestone rather than Jake’s because he didn’t have any problem sleeping by himself, I had the problem letting him sleep by himself, after all, his bed was next to ours for the past five years. Since he got his new bed, I figured it was time for me to move out of his room, which was where I had been sleeping since we moved into the new house.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Jake is sick again
“You must do the things you think you can not do.”
--Eleanor Roosevelt--
--Robert H.Schuller—
--Charles Haddon Spurgeon—